Installation Documentation, 2019, four 16 in by 20 in works on paper and vinyl, single channel animation, 7 ft by 7 ft vinyl, Oculus headset and trackers, and computer system
Oculus Headset VR environment documentation
The project offers a critical perspective of geopolitical issues within South Asian diasporic cultures through performative gestures, satire, and symbols. The multilayered narrative and visual material overlap tourism, familial archives, metaphors of the body, and proposals of technological piracy as urban design. The project speculates within augmented and virtual technologies to alternative forms of occupation in urban imaginaries of surveilled simulacra; contesting the corporate imaginary entering the home. The viewer is encouraged to loiter and walk counter-clockwise within the virtual reality space, (zaameen.com) demonstrating an act of resistance to the harmful idealism of speed, progress and distorted internationalism embedded in Bahria Town’s imagination.